
Porn Addiction Treatment in Nebraska


Porn and Sex Addiction Resources in Nebraska

This guide offers an overview of valuable resources both private and public, including access to rehab services and important health information for those struggling with porn and sex addiction in Nebraska.

Public Resources

The state of Nebraska provides some services to individuals struggling with various forms of addictive behaviors, which can often include sex and pornography addictions.

Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services: Division of Behavioral Health

The Division of Behavioral Health provides funding for licensed substance use and addiction treatment services across the state. They can provide referrals to appropriate programs for individuals who are struggling with sex and porn addiction. More information on the services they provide can be found on their website: Nebraska DHHS - Behavioral Health.

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Services Program

The Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Services Program provides access to services for substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health disorders. Sex and porn addiction may be addressed within the spectrum of these programs. Further information can be found here: Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Services.

Private Resources

There are also private institutions and rehab centers in Nebraska which offer support for porn and sex addiction. Some of which include:

The Kearney Center

The Kearney Center offers a range of outpatient and inpatient services, which includes treatment for sex addiction. They cater to both adults and adolescents, providing tailored programs to meet individual needs. More information about their services can be found on their website: The Kearney Center.

Capstone Behavioral Health

Capstone Behavioral Health offers a variety of services for individuals facing a wide array of addictions, including sex and porn addiction. They provide individual counseling, couples therapy, and group therapy. For more information, visit: Capstone Behavioral Health.

Health Information

Sex and porn addiction is a serious matter that affects physical, mental, and emotional health. It can often co-occur with other mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. The aforementioned resources provide access to health professionals who can assist in addressing these related health concerns.

Support from professionals can facilitate a better understanding of the addiction, its negative impacts, and develop appropriate coping mechanisms. Early detection and intervention can lead to better outcomes and functioning life.

Connie Lofgreen

Connie Lofgreen

Omaha, NE (402) 509-3078

11909 Arbor Street Omaha, NE - 68144

Mark D. Ziegenbein

Mark D. Ziegenbein

Omaha, NE (402) 403-6389

Omaha, NE - 68132

Nathan J Seadore

Nathan J Seadore

Omaha, NE (712) 522-4572

10845 Harney Street Omaha, NE - 68154

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